Thursday, 4 January 2007

Molly Hates Fireworks

Zena asks: We got Molly 22nd December. From day one she has been happy sleeping in her bed in a childs travel cot with wee pads one end, going all night. On new years eve neighbours let off some very loud fireworks that really scared her and since then she has got very distressed when we leave her in the cot. Tried to be cruel and leave her, but then she's waking every couple of hours really howling. As soon as we go to her and take her out (we tried not taking her out but standing there) she goes straight to sleep. Any ideas? She is just over 8 weeks old.

Fireworks have a lot to answer for!

Hi again, Zena - its a shame Molly has had this upset so soon after moving in with you. It sounds like her firework scare's left her feeling very insecure. She's still only a baby and her life's had a lot of change recently - she's left her mum & litter mates, found you and settled in very well, but sometimes it doesn't take much to upset the balance. She needs plenty of reassurance that her pen is still a safe place to be.

You could try a couple of tricks that have helped in the past:

  • Something with your scent in her bed when you leave her - for example an old t-shirt sometimes helps.
  • Leaving a radio on very low may keep her company
  • Many breeders swear by a ticking clock near the pup's bed - reminds them of mum
  • A soft toy to snuggle up to may make Molly feel more secure
  • Try leaving her for a short while, coming back before she's distressed and extend the time gradually

The thing to remember is to reward her for good behaviour only (not necessarily with food - a kind word or cuddle is just as good), and try to ignore unwanted behaviour. I know its difficult when she howls (especially at night), but your attention is her reward - even if its to scold her!

Good luck, Zena. I'm sure Molly will improve as she settles again and forgets about New Years Eve

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