Puppy With Hiccups - Molly
Thanks Zena for your question and support for the blog. I hope Molly is well other than her hiccups problem!
It is true that puppies can be prone to hiccups when there is a heavy worm burden, but if you are worming regularly as advised by your vet and using a veterinary prescribed wormer (sometimes the ones sold in supermarkets etc are not as effective), then I would be surprised if
this is what's causing Molly's problem. If you are still concerned, your vet can carry out tests to check for signs of worms in her poo.
There can be other reasons for hiccups in young puppies, much the same as in humans. They are usually associated with gulping air - puppies tend to take in a lot of air when they eat and drink and also when they get excited.
Don't worry too much, Zena, hiccups is very common in dogs and especially puppies under 8 months old.
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